Community Relations

The Yandera Copper Project is 95-km southwest of the capital city of Madang Province and 235-km to the northwest of Lae which is the largest port city in PNG and an important industrial center.  As one of the largest undeveloped copper resources* in the world, the Yandera Project has the potential to support communities and create jobs along the Yandera Corridor.  The Company anticipates the potential economic influence of the Yandera Copper Project could span 5 provinces and create wealth for generations including, but not limited to, strategic road and highway building, power generation and related infrastructure. 

The landowners and communities of Yandera are stakeholders in the Yandera Project.  The overwhelming community support that the Company received at the Warden’s Hearing held during the summer of 2023, demonstrated the level of commitment the people of Yandera have for the project. Freeport is firmly committed to advancing the project and continuing support of the community.  The Company expects to continue to develop initiatives to be an active and visible presence in the Community.

The proposed definitive feasibility study will build on earlier work undertaken with local and regional communities to determine opportunities to achieve mutually beneficial partnerships and sustainable long-term social benefits related to job creation, indigenous advancement, health and wellness, environment, education and community development.

Fr Project Community Relations 2
Dr. Nathan Chutas, Senior VP Operations, Director Yandera, PNG, 2017
Fr Project Community Relations 3
Tobias Kulang Thomas, Senior Advisor, Yandera Project Wardens Hearing, PNG, May 29, 2023
Fri Projects Community Relations Shields Un Sdgs Apr 18 2024
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*The PFS was prepared prior to the Company acquiring an interest in the Yandera Copper Project, and is derived from historical estimates which the Company is not treating as current. This information is intended to provide readers with context on historical analysis conducted on the Yandera Copper Project, however the Company cautions that a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify any historical estimates in respect of the Yandera Copper Project as current and any analysis conducted by previous owners of the Yandera Copper Project, may rely upon assumptions which are no longer reasonable or accurate in the context of the current market.